Tarangire National Park

Tarangire wishes a warm greeting to you. We are delighted to have you here, and we thank you for putting your faith in us. Tarangire provides something for everyone, whether you're coming for a day trip or staying the night.

The park is notable for its large concentration of wild animals, particularly elephants, and it is also one of East Africa's best birding locations.

The park's name comes from the Tarangire River, which runs through it and encompasses an area of 2850 km2.

Tarangire has a bimodal rainfall pattern, with brief rains beginning in November and December, lengthy rains beginning in March and May, and a dry season beginning in June and ending in October and January and February.

The park is situated between 900 and 1250 meters above sea level, with an annual average rainfall of 650 to 700 millimeters.

The park is accessible by road or by air.

Road: A tarmac road leads from Arusha city to the park, which is 121 kilometers long.

Air: Kilimanjaro International Airport, 46 kilometers from Arusha, is the closest airport to the park. There are also chartered flights from Arusha to Kuro Airstrip, which is located inside the park.

Large herds of elephants, amazing natural beauty of the savanna scenery, and enormous gigantic Baobabs are just a few of the park's highlights. The park is home to over 550 different bird species, many of which are endangered or endemic.